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Past Principal Investigators
  • Myers, Ransom - in memoriam
  • Camilo Mora
    Assistant Professor - University of Hawaii
    Email: cmora-replace-dal.ca
    Homepage: http://www.soc.hawaii.edu/mora/index.html
    I have research interests in the patterns, processes, threats and conservation of marine biodiversity. I target these issues with a variety of approaches including experimental work, meta-analysis of databases, modeling, and expert surveys.

    Mora C, Aburto-Oropeza O, Ayala Bocos A, Ayotte PM, Banks S, Bauman AG, Beger M, Bessudo S, Booth DJ, Brokovich E, Brooks A, Chabanet P, Cinner JE, Cortes J, Cruz-Motta JJ, Cupul Magana A, DeMartini EE, Edgar GJ, Feary DA, Ferse SCA, Friedlander AM, Gaston KJ, Gough C, Graham NAJ, Green A, Guzman H, Hardt M, Kulbicki M, Letourneur Y, Lopez Perez A, Loreau M, Loya Y, Martinez C, Mascarenas-Osorio I, Morove T, Nadon MO, Nakamura Y, Paredes G, Polunin NVC, Pratchett MS, Reyes Bonilla H, Rivera F, Sala E, Sandin SA, Soler G, Stuart-Smith R, Tessier E, Tittensor DP, Tupper M, Usseglio P, Vigliola L, Wantiez L, Williams I, Wilson SK, Zapata FA (2011) Global Human Footprint on the Linkage between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Reef Fishes. PLoS Biol 9: e1000606. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000606 PDF

    Tittensor D, Mora C, Jetz W, Lotze HK, Ricard D, vanden Berghe E, Worm B. (2010) Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa. Nature, 466, 1098-1101. Featured in the August 6th issue of Science. PDF

    Ward-Page C, Mora C, Heike L, MacClanaham L. (2010) Large-scale absence of sharks on reefs in the Greater-Caribbean: A footprint of human population impacts. PlosOne 5, e11968. PDF

    Wielgus J, Balmford A, Lewis T, Mora C, Gerber L (2009) Coral reef quality and recreation fees in marine protected areas. Conservation Letters DOI: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2009.00084.x. PDF

    Cordes EE, Cunha MR, Galeron J, Mora C, Roy K, Sibuet M, Van Gaever S, Vanreusel A, Levin L (2009) The influence of geological, geochemical, and biogenic habitat heterogeneity on seep biodiversity. Marine Ecology DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2009.00334.x. PDF

    Mora C, Myers R, Pitcher T, Zeller D, Watson G, Sumila R, Gaston K, Worm B (2009) Management effectiveness of the world's marine fisheries. PLoS Biology 7: e1000131. PDF Video Press Materials

    Mora C (2009) Degradation of Caribbean coral reefs: focusing on proximal rather than ultimate factors. Reply to Rogers. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 276, 199-200. PDF

    Mora C (2008) A clear human footprint in the coral reefs of the Caribbean. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 275, 767-773. Broadcasted in over 100 websites worldwide, including newspapers, radio and television (i.e. Discovery channel). PDF Press Materials

    Mora C, Tittensor D, Myers RA (2008) The completeness of taxonomic inventories for describing the global diversity and distribution of marine fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 275, 149-155. PDF

    Lubchenco J, Gaines S, Warner R, Palumbi S, Airame S... .Mora C... (2007) The science of marine reserves booklet second edition. Pisco, California. PDF

    Mora C, Metzker R, Rollo A, Myers RA (2007) Experimental simulations about the effects of habitat fragmentation and overexploitation on populations facing environmental warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 274, 1023-1028. A "Must read" article according to Faculty of 1000. PDF Press Materials

    Mora C, Andréfouët S, Kranenburg S, Rollo A, Costello M, Veron J, Gaston KJ, Myers RA (2006) How protected are coral reefs? Science 314, 757-760. PDF

    Mora C, Andréfouët S, Costello M, Kranenburg S, Rollo A, Veron J, Gaston KJ, Myers RA (2006) Coral reefs and the global network of Marine Protected Areas. Science 312, 1750-1751. Comments in the same issue of Science by Hendriks et al and in the November issue of Popular Science. PDF Press Materials

    Mora C, Maya MF (2006) Effect of the rate of temperature increase of the dynamic method on the heat tolerance of fishes. Journal of Thermal Biology 31, 337-341. PDF

    Mora C, Robertson D (2005) Causes of latitudinal gradients in species richness: a test with fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Ecology 86, 1771-1792. PDF

    Hogan D, Mora C (2005) Experimental assessment of the importance of swimming and drifting to the displacement of reef fish larvae. Marine Biology 147, 1213-1220. PDF

    Mora C, Robertson D (2005) Factors shaping the ranges size frequency distribution of fishes in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Journal of Biogeography 32, 277-286. PDF

    Mora C (2004) The importance of dispersal in coral reef fishes. Ph.D. Dissertation. PDF

    Ospina AF, Mora C (2004) Effect of body size on the thermal tolerance of reef fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 70, 339-343. PDF

    Mora C, Chittaro P, Sale PF, Kritzer J, Ludsin S (2003) Patterns and processes in reef fish diversity. Nature 421, 933-936. Comments in the same issue of Nature by Kevin Gaston. PDF

    Mora C, Sale PF (2002) Are populations of coral reef fishes open or closed? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17, 422-428. In a year-by-year basis, this paper was ranked by Thompson Scientific with their Essential Science Indicators as one of the 20 most cited papers in coral reef ecology. PDF

    Mora C, Ospina AF (2002) Experimental effects of cold, La Nina temperatures in the survival of reef fishes from Gorgona Island (eastern Pacific Ocean). Marine Biology 141, 789-793. PDF

    Mora C, Zapata F (2002) Effects of a predatory fish on the abundance and body size of early post-settled reef fishes from Gorgona Island (Eastern Pacific). Proceedings of the 9th international Coral Reef Symposium, Bali, Indonesia. 1, 475-480. PDF

    Mora C, Ospina F. (2001) Thermal tolerance and potential impact of sea warming on reef fishes from Gorgona island (eastern Pacific Ocean). Marine Biology 139, 765-769. PDF

    Mora C, Francisco V, Zapata F. (2001) Dispersal of juvenile and adult reef fishes associated with floating objects and their recruitment into Gorgona Island reefs. Bulletin of Marine Science 68, 557-561. PDF

    Mora C (2001) Dispersal of reef fishes by rafting. Reef Encounter 29, 16-17. PDF

    Mora C, Jimenez J, Zapata F (2000) Pontinus clemensi (Pisces: Scorpaenidae) at Malpelo island, Colombia. New specimen and geographic range extension. Bulletin of Marine and Coastal research 29, 85-88. PDF

    The Census of Marine Life is a growing global network of researchers in more than 45 nations engaged in a ten-year initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life in oceans--past, present, and future.
    Last Updated: 2022-06-19